These Data Use Agreements are for viewing only. Only PAIN members may request data by submitting Data Use Agreements.
PAIN Members: To submit a Data Use Agreement, please log into the repository from which you would like to request data and go to the REQUEST DATA page.
View Data Use Agreement for the Standardized Repository
Title of Project:
Project Leader:
Mentor(s) (if applicable):
Other Participants:
Affiliated Institutions:
Project Description:
Data Set(s) to Be Analyzed:
Brief Background/Rationale:
Date of Request:
Project Start Date:
Expected Date of Project Completion:
I request access to PAIN Standardized Repository data for the purpose of scientific investigation, clinical research studies or teaching, and I agree with the following terms:
- I will receive coded* data and will not attempt to establish the identity nor contact any PAIN Standardized Repository subject.
*Data are separated from personal identifiers through the use of a code. The code key will be held by the contributor only, and the PAIN Repository will never retain this linking file or have access to the code. PAIN data do not contain any personal identifiers.
- I will not disclose, use or otherwise grant access to data obtained from the PAIN Standardized Repository to entities or individuals other than my research team in any manner, except as expressly permitted by this agreement or otherwise required by law.
- Members of my research team who have access to these data will also adhere to this agreement and register with the PAIN Repository.
- I will comply with any rules and regulations from my institution and its institutional review board regarding requesting and using these data.
- I agree to establish appropriate technical, physical and administrative safeguards for data protection and maintenance of confidentiality, as well as to prevent unauthorized access and use of the data.
- I will report any unauthorized use or disclosure of data obtained from the PAIN Standardized Repository within fifteen days of becoming aware of such use or disclosure.
- For publications, abstracts or inventions using PAIN Standardized Repository data, I will include the following acknowledgment:
“Data used in preparation of this article/manuscript/abstract were acquired from the Pain and Interoception Imaging Network – PAIN Repository ( PAIN Repository investigators may have provided data but not otherwise participated in the analysis or preparation of this report. The PAIN repository is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIDA, NCCAM) under award number R01AT007137.”
- I understand that The PAIN Executive Committee (EC) will oversee the publication process involving data obtained from the PAIN Standardized Repository.
- I understand that the PAIN EC, if necessary to fairly balance the interests of members seeking to examine similar hypotheses or data, may only approve use of requested repository data a subset of the specific analyses requested. This will be indicated in my approval notification and I will follow this guidance or appeal to the EC before using the Repository data.
- I will report any publications, abstracts or inventions utilizing PAIN Repository data to the PAIN Executive Committee and provide URL/PubMed link to published work.
- I understand that approval of this proposal will include a timeline and if an analysis is not making adequate progress, the EC may alter my priority to the data and a new proposal will need to be submitted.
I understand that failure to abide by the guidelines above may result in termination of my privileges to access PAIN Standardized Repository data.
Title of Project:
Project Leader:
Other Participants:
Affiliated Institutions:
Data Set(s) Requested:
Brief Background/Rationale:
Date of Request:
I request access to PAIN Archived Repository data for the purpose of scientific investigation, clinical research studies or teaching, and I agree with the following terms:
- I will receive coded* data and will not attempt to establish the identity nor contact any PAIN Archived Repository subject.
*Data are separated from personal identifiers through the use of a code. The code key will be held by the contributor only, and the PAIN Repository will never retain this linking file or have access to the code. PAIN data do not contain any personal identifiers.
- I will not disclose, use or otherwise grant access to data obtained from the PAIN Archived Repository to entities or individuals other than my research team in any manner, except as expressly permitted by this agreement or otherwise required by law.
- Members of my research team who have access to these data will also adhere to this agreement and register with the PAIN Repository.
- I will comply with any rules and regulations from my institution and its institutional review board regarding requesting and using these data.
- I agree to establish appropriate technical, physical and administrative safeguards for data protection and maintenance of confidentiality, as well as to prevent unauthorized access and use of the data.
- I will report any unauthorized use or disclosure of data obtained from the PAIN Archived Repository within fifteen days of becoming aware of such use or disclosure.
- For publications, abstracts or inventions using PAIN Archived Repository data, I will include acknowledgements pertinent to the dataset I used in the recommended format, as well as the following PAIN Repository acknowledgment:
“Data used in preparation of this article/manuscript/abstract were acquired from the Pain and Interoception Imaging Network – PAIN Repository ( PAIN Repository investigators may have provided data but not otherwise participated in the analysis or preparation of this report. The PAIN repository is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIDA, NCCAM) under award number R01AT007137.”
- I will report any publications, abstracts or inventions utilizing PAIN Repository data to the PAIN Executive Committee and provide URL/PubMed link to published work.
I understand that failure to abide by the guidelines above may result in termination of my privileges to access PAIN Archived Repository data.